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Region III President’s Corner

  • Our Vision: Stimulate growth and participation through alliance and inclusion within Region III’s area of responsibility.

    Our Mission: To assist and enable all black employees within Region III’s area of responsibility; to have the ability to maximize their potential through career opportunities, volunteer efforts, and training; and to provide a structure for inclusion, growth and advocacy.

    If you have a company or know of a company that is interested in becoming a Corporate Sponsor that is willing to share BIG’s goals, vision, and objectives, we gladly open our doors to your support, and thanks.

    Welcome to Region III’s Website!

    On behalf of the Region III Council, Officers and Members, we welcome you to our region. Region III currently has chapters in five states, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. We extend an invitation to reach out to one of the chapters in your state for information about joining this great organization. The organization is all open to local, federal, and state employees. Some of the benefits of joining BIG:

    Benefits of Joining BIG

     Career Development Training
     Empowerment
     EEO Seminars
     Legislative Seminars
     Networking
     Financial Planning Seminars
     Leadership and Management Training

    We look forward to you joining our BIG Family!

    Thank You for “Thinking BIG”